Monday, March 20, 2006


yesterday i went snowshoeing for the first time. i remember being a little kid and first hearing how Native Americans had used snowshoes and thinking, "wow, walking on top of snow! i wish i could do that". so i guess the trip was a little dream come true. we - me and some folks from the Pursuit - went up to Morse Creek past Idaho City and hiked up the side of a mountain. we stayed on the trail where the snow was pretty packed down, so next time i wanna work even harder and practice "walking on water".
as i have probably mentioned before, living here in a desert valley i really miss the snow. so it was great to see lots and lots and lots of it. beautiful. Heather and i both took lots of pics, her with her fancy, schmancy digital SLR and me with my trusty film SLR. i shot a whole roll on my camera - kind of a splurge for me - and mailed the film in this morning. i can't wait to see how they turned out. til then, here are the two pics i took with my phone.

Heather and I
Heather and i say "cheeze"


Lizard said...

oooh, so pretty. At first I was thinking "wow - they have places that look like that in the East?" and then I remembered you were over in the good ol' West. ;)

sylvia said...

gnat! hi! yes, i'm Out West. we do have places that look like that Back East, really. Just not in Boston. New Hampshire and Maine have some decent mountains. and lots o' snow!