Saturday, March 25, 2006


so it's that time again, time to write, and i am glad to do so but a warning: this post will be less focused than most, just a bunch of little things to say.

first, i finally broke down and joined MySpace. ahh, sigh. i am almost ashamed to say that i am really enjoying it... mostly beacuse i have friends - oh, yes i do have friends! oh dear. i mean, two of these friends make music and they have some of their stuff on MySpace so it is superfun to hear it, 'specially cause one of these guys is back in Boston, and hearing his so-called "jambient" brings back happy memories of dancing with friends. and then there is the fun of finding music by other folks via friends' friends. all this to say, if you are on MySpace, check out my little space here .

i feel i little embareased about the pig thing. i posted the present "quote" on my sidebar on a day that i was buzzing with sugar, caffiene and seriuos sleep deprivation. not sure which day that was cause the past few weeks have been a blur of such days! yes, i'm so glad it's finally spring break. i took a three hour nap today. sweet. anyway, that's my excuse. when i have a better quote - and i'm looking hard now! - i'll post it ASAP.

finally, i had another intriguing "home" moment. i was watching the weather channel a few nights ago, you know the "Local on the 8's", and they were showing the satellite view of the Northwest and i had this thought, that, yeah this - Boise, this corner of the Northwest - feels like home. it was a sweet, fleeting contentment. Thanks God.


XAgirl said...

Hey Sylvia
Laughed out loud when I read the pig quote.

sylvia said...

yay! tryna, you just made my day. :)

KHB said...

The fifth graders weren't so very bad... it just didn't know how to control the troublemakers. I ended up talking to their teacher and the school secretary and figured out a way to keep them in line, so it wasn't so bad. Not to mention, by the end of the week I was practically an elementary string expert! Nothing is scarier to an old band geek like me than a doe-eyed fifth grader coming up with a badly mistreated violin and saying "can you tune this for me?" By the end of the week I could, though!
