Friday, August 19, 2005

Day 4

My brain is smushy. I have had a cold since Tuesday and I am only starting to feel alive again today. Not real fun to move to a new place and have to introduce yourself as your nose drips and your hands are grimy and your head feels like a bowling ball... "Hi, my name ith Sylvbia..." Well, considering I survived two placement exams during the height of the cold Wednesday and Thursday, I think I'm gonna make it, with a little help...
Here's to "PBS kids" and "Insider" and DVDs of sappy chic flicks! Here's to Puff's Plus and the faith that my cold won't last forever! Here's to getting my cold out of the way before the semester starts! Cheers! (with little plastic cup of Nyquil)

1 comment:

XAgirl said...

Sylvia, hope youre feeling better soon!