Thursday, January 13, 2011

old MySpace posts

Yes, I'm reviving the blog.   See, i'm deleting my MySpace (finally!), but a few "MySpace only" posts made me nostalgic.  So I'll repost them here, 4-5 years (!) later....

new "friend"

march 3, 2007.  11:32 PM

Hi-dee-oh.  How ya'll doin"?
I am now a "friend" of Mark Heard, or rather, the MySpace tribute to Mark Heard, since he passed away years before the internet, never mind MySpace, got started.  For those of you unfamiliar with Mr. Heard, I hope you'll trip on over to the profile and check out his awesome, quirky music.  I first heard his music about 10 years ago - thanks to Jo Muelheisen! - when I was coming out of  pretty hard time.  It was one of the things that helped me process all that stuff in the context of a God-centered worldview.  Some people have called his lyrics pessimistic, but I see them as hopeful.  Life can be really, really hard, but there is always this thread that points back to truth and love and beuaty and a Creator who is so good.
I just read something on a tribute page to him on this website, and wanted to pass on these lyrics to a song from his 1980 album Fingerprint.  Happy reading.
Remarks To Mr. McLuhan
Copyright Palmfrond Communications
What difference does it make
If this was once upon a time
You supply the stereo
And I'll supply the rhymes
I'm aided by machinery
In hopes to reach your mind
Can you hear me
Can you hear me now
Just a needle scratching ridges
On this one way plastic groove
My vinyl destination
My revolving imputation
I'm singing and I'm playing
But my lips don't have to move
Can you hear me
Can you hear me now
But just as loud and clear
You hear this song come through the air
It's funny, but it's as close as I can come
To really being there
Frozen in this record
Are fingerprints and messages
Can you hear me
Can you hear me now

well, alright

may 6, 2006.  9:229 am.

so i just found out that my friend working in China can't see my blog there.  dude, what's up with that?  anyway, for her sake and for the MySpace friends who never get around to visiting, i will start doing some posting here.  this is a pretty crazy time for me: next week is finals week and immediately after that i am moving and then heading off to Europe for a 3 week missions trip (gasp for air).  so i'm just gonna copy to MySpace my most recent post from leaves... .  hope you like.

blog smog

march 18, 2006.  11:07 am

welcome to my new little MySpace.  i enjoy blogging but have trouble keeping up with posting on just one blog, so i won't be posting here hardly ever.  instead, you are invited to skip on over to ...leaves. nothing super exciting, just my silly thoughts on this crazy life journey, and links to blogs of some cool friends.  they make me feel cool by association.  :)

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