Sunday, April 01, 2007

ich mag Google.

Last year they brought us Google Romance, the year before something called Google Gulp and now... Google Paper. Last year, still relatively new to the google universe, I fell for the foolishness and posted about it, unaware of my ignorance 'til cuchillo commented. And then of course I felt like an idiot but then recovered in my response... This time, I got halfway through the page before I remembered, "Oh yeah! ohhh, Google..." I think it was the goofy pictures next to the goofier "testimonials." What really puts it over the top is the claim that "Gmail Paper is made out of 96% post-consumer organic soybean sputum [huh?!?], and thus, actually helps the environment."
There is another Google April Fool's joke out there, according to some folks on the web way smarter than me, but it all reads like Greek to me so it's a little less funny, somehow. Anyway, happy April Fool's and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself.

1 comment:

Lance Fisher said...

Ha! I hadn't read that one yet. I saw the other one about free wireless internet access through your toilet.