Friday, February 02, 2007

the interesting and the curious

(Subtitile: Post of things I found on the internet today. Enjoy!)

I'm still on the email list of my church in Boston, River of Life Chruch in Jamaica Plain (aka JP). The folks there are like a family to me, so I like to know what's going on and stuff. Today I got the weekly update nad it was called "RoL - Wears Name Tags - Refreshments & this Sunday. " Nametags? That got me curious, so I followed some links and was like, "Oh, this is interesting." If you are not familiar with JP, this "Name Tag" organization is so JP. Here's a few links. First, to the blog site talking about RoL Church. Second to the org's about page.

I'm not much of a bandwagon jumper (or jumper-on-er, if that's a word), so when new things come out, I tend to view them skeptically, from a distance, and wait til I have a good reason to waste my precious time/money/other resource on them. Or maybe it's the fact that I am so skeptical that keeps me from jumping on wagons... Anyway! All that to say that in the past few days I have finally been getting into video on the internet, YouTube in particular. Then to really get the interest up, today I got this email from my violin/orchestra prof:

String Players,
I thought you might get a kick out of this video.
Mr. Purdy

kick i did. i mean, wow! so much fun!

Not more than a few mnutes later, Mr. Purdy also sent this email:

Okay, we may need to start a BSU fan club, this is pretty clever.
Mr. Purdy

So I thought I'd pass these on to you, to enlighten you, and to let you in on how very silly string players are in what we do and in what we love to watch others do. Let me know if you can recognize all the tunes in this video. I think I know the older ones. It's the rock/metal stuff from the late 20th century that throws me.
Til next time,

1 comment:

Lance Fisher said...

Wow! Stringfever is great! I would really love to see a live show. I wonder when they'll be in Missoula...