Tuesday, April 18, 2006

long quote

It's been a long while since I posted, and even longer since setting up a decent quote. Please accept my apologies, or at least this excuse: I'm quite busy now, with the end of the semester just a few weeks away. I have lots of projects and a paper and performances to play and others to watch... And then it is a beautiful spring out there, and I want to enjoy that, too. Also, in the past month I have begun to make friends here, and suddenly I have other stuff to do besides homework on weekend evenings! So, yes, been busy. But, fear not, faithful readers, the posting may falter, but it will not fail! :)

That said, I wanted to share with ya'll a quote from a sermon a few weeks ago by Paul, the pastor of my church here in Boise. We were looking at Acts 2:14-21 and the quote there from Joel, concerning the end times, when Paul said, "There's indication in the Bible that there's going to be more disasters... People look at last year and go, 'Man, what a year: the tsunami and hurricanes. Now, tornados and all these different things - Windows on a Mac...'"


XAgirl said...

And WHY would windows on a Mac be considered a disaster? Juhst thought that was amusing. Anyway, hey I could use your addy to send out grad announcements. :) You can send it to my email

Glad to hear of your making friends and keeping yourself busy

Lance Fisher said...

Ha, I'm surprised you guys are following that news about Windows on a Mac. Interesting stuff. :)